Introducing: Brickslap Humor

Brickslap is a fresh, new type of entertainment that puts a unique spin on slapstick humor and many other different aspects of the entertainment industry. Humor and entertainment so ridiculous that you feel as if you were slapped with a brick. Stay tuned, great things are to come.

My name is The Fiend. I’ll be one of the Writers for Brickslap. I’ve always loved to entertain people with new and creative ideas. Born and raised in Grand Rapids, Michigan, I have been collaborating with The Reverend on unique, funny ideas since we met during grade school in 1999. Brickslap is an extension of those ideas, and this blog is the launching pad. I will be helping to update this blog frequently this summer and as I attend the University of Alabama in the upcoming fall.

The Evolution of Fernando Rodney’s Hat Tilt

The Evolution of Fernando Rodney's Hat Tilt

I thought Rodney’s hat looked a tad ridiculous – even for him – when I watched a World Baseball Classic game earlier this month. He always had the semi-tilt when he was in Detroit, but he’s now going where no baseball player has gone before. I guess it’s working, because he had a career year last season closing for Tampa Bay.

Via Reddit/Imgur.