Post-Meditation Thoughts (1/22/13)

While I was standing next to the stream on the mountainside, I told my younger self to “Not worry”. I felt that this was the only message that needed communicating, because most things in life are beyond your control. The trials and tribulations that people go through in the span of their lifetime make them stronger, and shape them into the person that they are. I have struggled with being a “worry wart” ever since I was a child, and I believe that my stronger, current self wanted to assure the younger me that everything would be alright in the end. I will find peace, and I will find happiness. I pictured myself at a particular stream that I have visited in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. This was one of the last places that I felt at total bliss with my immediate family, as we took in the beautiful surroundings. No one could touch that moment, or take anything away from me. There were no immediate obligations – just myself and those mountains. I believe that is why I imagined myself standing at this stream.

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